• 高清新旗手 ATI Radeon HD 3450全球首测

    THESEA 发布于2008-01-14 12:10 / 关键字: rv620, hd 3400, amd, ati

      依靠完整的HDMI输出和内建UVD全硬解码处理器的卖点,AMD的Radeon HD 2000中低端产品远比它的中高端产品要扬眉吐气的多,在高清播放显卡市场上稍占优势,尤其是核心代号RV610的HD 2400系列几乎成了高清显卡的首选。到了去年11月份,AMD推出了首款55nm工艺的RV670,从而意味着各级别的GPU都将过渡到新的55nm制程上。


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  • AMD将在CES上展示HD 3450和HD 3470

    THESEA 发布于2008-01-04 16:32 / 关键字: rv620, hd 3400, amd

      AMD将1月23日正式发布Radeon HD 3450和Radeon HD 3470,但他们打算在几天后的CES2008上展示这一系列新品。   Radeon HD 3470和3450采用的GPU为RV620 Pro和RV620 LE,它们都是55nm制程下的产品,由TSMC生产,拥有1.81亿晶体管和40个流处理器,支持DX10.1、SM4.1、UVD和Powerplay,并支持PCI Express 2.0接口。


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  • AMD R680、RV620和RV635下个月发布

    THESEA 发布于2007-12-14 11:03 / 关键字: amd, r680, rv620, rv635


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  • RV620大胜RV610,3DMark06成绩高出35%

    THESEA 发布于2007-11-27 15:51 / 关键字: rv620, rv610

    Untitled Document English version here

      在前面的报道中,我们得知AMD RV620在频率上是和Radeon HD 2400 Pro是一样的,即核心/显存频率为525/400MHz。


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  • AMD RV620工作频率与HD 2400 Pro一样

    THESEA 发布于2007-11-23 16:07 / 关键字: rv620, rv610, amd

    Untitled Document   昨天我们看到了RV620的核心实物图,和RV610相比,RV620的在工作频率上有没有提高呢?


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  • 55nm制程AMD RV620核心实物图抢先曝光

    THESEA 发布于2007-11-22 14:03 / 关键字: rv620, amd, g98

    English version here



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  • ATi通过DP1.1认证的芯片为RV620

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-23 09:27 / 关键字: ATi, RV620

      昨日的AMD-ATi显卡通过DisplayPort 1.1认证的新闻有后续更新了。虽然AMD和VESA双方都没有透露芯片的具体型号,但是有业内人士表示送测的是RV620,使用了最新的光子技术的互补式金属氧化层半导体(CMOS photonics)来构建芯片。


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  • RV620:明日的高清显卡最佳选择?

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-23 09:19 / 关键字: RV620, amd

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.We already have a post about the Nvidia 65nm new 8400 GS. And today we will continue to talk about AMD's5nm RV620.

    In the current market the main selling point of the low-end graphics cards is HD video playback, game performance is second. Of course, in HD playback, AMD gone more than the extreme, not only to achieve the first H.264 and VC-1 full hardware decoding (we believe that the current software still failed to full-use of this function), but also have built-in HDMI output signal.


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  • RV620:明日的高清显卡最佳选择?

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-20 09:23 / 关键字: RV620, amd

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.We already have a post about the Nvidia 65nm new 8400 GS. And today we will continue to talk about AMD's5nm RV620.

    In the current market the main selling point of the low-end graphics cards is HD video playback, game performance is second. Of course, in HD playback, AMD gone more than the extreme, not only to achieve the first H.264 and VC-1 full hardware decoding (we believe that the current software still failed to full-use of this function), but also have built-in HDMI output signal.


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  • ATi通过DP1.1认证的芯片为RV620

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-17 14:05 / 关键字: ATi, RV620

      昨日的AMD-ATi显卡通过DisplayPort 1.1认证的新闻有后续更新了。虽然AMD和VESA双方都没有透露芯片的具体型号,但是有业内人士表示送测的是RV620,使用了最新的光子技术的互补式金属氧化层半导体(CMOS photonics)来构建芯片。


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  • AMD:RV620和RV635原生支持DP输出!

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-17 12:53 / 关键字: displayport, RV620, rv635

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.


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  • AMD:RV620和RV635原生支持DP输出!

    Jeff 发布于2007-10-12 15:44 / 关键字: displayport, RV620, rv635

    注意:本文使用中文、英语进行报道。Notice:This Article is using Chinese and English.


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